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Tag Archives: accounting

  1. Taxpayers claiming deductions on holiday homes are in the ATO’s sights.

    The ATO is concerned that people with holiday homes are claiming more deductions than…

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  2. image of chatgpt logo on white background
    Can ChatGPT work the Australian tax system?

    Let’s start by saying that so far we were impressed. Not so much by…

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  3. A picture of a stuffed toy of The Grinch sitting with a cup of coffee between is legs
    Avoiding the FBT Christmas Grinch!

    It’s silly season once again and it gets us all thinking – what to…

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  4. image of the word tax on a computer keyboard
    Are stage three personal tax cuts getting cut?

    As we head into the 2022-23 Federal Budget on 25 October, the question for…

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  5. Image of an golding a large dark circle with the word debt inside. Building in the background
    ATO refocus on debt collection

    The ATO has not pursued many business tax debts during the pandemic and allowed…

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