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Tag Archives: Budget

  1. Budget 23/24. Where will the focus lie?

    The 2023-24 Federal Budget will be released on Tuesday, 9 May 2023. Little has…

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  2. image of the word tax on a computer keyboard
    Are stage three personal tax cuts getting cut?

    As we head into the 2022-23 Federal Budget on 25 October, the question for…

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  3. 2022 Budget – playing it safe?

    The 2022-23 Federal Budget is a safe Budget (arguably one focused on vote retention)…

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  4. Immediate Deductions Extended

    Introduced in the 2020-21 Budget and now extended until 30 June 2023, this measure…

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  5. Professional services for firm profits guidance

    The Australian Taxation Office’s finalised position on the allocation of profits from professional firms…

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  6. Cash Injection for struggling businesses and changes to pandemic leave disaster payments

    Businesses struggling with the Omicron wave of the pandemic have been offered new grants…

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  7. PCR and RAT tests to be tax deductible, FBT free

    The Treasurer has announced that PCR and rapid antigen tests (RAT) will be tax…

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  8. 2022: The year ahead

    2021 was to be the year we returned to a post-COVID normal however the…

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  9. The ‘Backpacker Tax’ and the High Court

    The High Court has ruled that the ‘backpacker tax’ is discriminatory. We look at…

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