One of the biggest issues in a tight economy is the time it takes to achieve a sale.  So, what can you do to speed up the sales process?

Sell the solution not the product

It’s more important than ever to have clarity about why your product or service is valuable to your client and why they should be buying it from you. How are you helping? Solving their pain points? Speaking their language? The point is to understand what the most meaningful message is for your customer and that is unlikely to be a product feature list.

Sell the savings

Does your product offer your customer any form of efficiency gain or benefit beyond value over time? If there is a benefit, ensure you highlight it and emphasise the result.

Have a highly trained team

If your first point of contact is the weakest link in your sales chain, then you need to fix it. Help your team identify and capitalise on opportunities by giving them the training and structure they need.

Value added discounts

If you are going to discount, do it strategically. In tough economic times, it’s common for the volume of products purchased by customers to go down. You can overcome some of this reticence by packaging items together and encouraging sales volume by offering a discount on the second item or on bundles. If you are going to package, ensure you are not packaging low-margin products and then discounting them. Packaging works best when you package products with higher profit margins or when you boost the sales volume of slow-moving stock by combining it with faster selling stock.

Sales sales sales

No need to let a slow economy slow you down. There are ways to break through the noise and continue to have an efficient and well-performing sales process.